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MLOps pipeline

The MLOps pipeline is currently developed and maintained on the GitHub repository of the certAInty project.


CI/CD is implemented using GitHub Actions. The pipeline is triggered by a push to the pipeline branch and consists of the following steps:

  • Entrypoint: The pipeline is triggered by a push to the pipeline branch.
  • Pushing the Model to DGX: The model is pushed to the DGX server.


Within the pipeline, the ML specific workflow is orchestrated by Airflow. Airflow initiates the following tasks:

  • Data Versioning: The data is cloned respectively pulled from the data repository.
  • Data Validation: The data is validated to ensure that it is of the correct format and that it is not corrupted.
  • Data Transformation: The data is transformed into the format required by the ML model.
  • Model Training: The ML model is trained using the transformed data.
  • Model Validation: The ML model is validated to ensure that it is performing as expected.

Experiment Tracking

Experiment tracking is done using MLflow. MLflow is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Tracking the Model: The ML model is tracked using MLflow.
  • Tracking the Model Parameters: The model parameters are tracked using MLflow.
  • Tracking the Model Metrics: The model metrics are tracked using MLflow.
  • Tracking the Model Artifacts: The model artifacts are tracked using MLflow.

Data Repository

We utilize Oxen as a framework to create and manage the data repository. Through versioning, datasets can be effectively tracked, managed, and compared over time.